2 Kings 6:21-23,Hosea 12:6, Romans
12:2021, Colossians 3:12
MERCY to be
engraved on the heart
"Do not let
kindness and truth leave you; Bind
them around your neck, Write them
on the tablet of your heart."
-- Proverbs
characteristic of saints
"All day long
he is gracious and lends, And his
descendants are a blessing."
righteous man perishes, and no man
takes it to heart; And devout men
are taken away, while no one
understands. For the righteous man
is taken away from evil,"
MERCY should be
shown with cheerfulness
"or he who
exhorts, in his exhortation; he who
gives, with liberality; he who
leads, with diligence; he who shows
mercy, with cheerfulness."
Mercy should be
shown to our brethren
"Thus has the
Lord of hosts said, ‘Dispense true
justice and practice kindness and
compassion each to his
brother;" --
Zechariah 7:9
MERCY should be
shown to those that are in
"And he said,
“The one who showed mercy toward
him.” Then Jesus said to him, “Go
and do the same.” "
-- Luke
MERCY should be
shown to the poor
"He who
oppresses the poor taunts his
Maker, But he who is gracious to
the needy honors Him."
-- Proverbs
"Therefore, O
king, may my advice be pleasing to
you: break away now from your sins
by doing righteousness and from
your iniquities by showing mercy to
the poor, in case there may be a
prolonging of your
prosperity." -- Daniel 4:27
MERCY should be
shown to backsliders
"I will get up and go to
my father, and will say to him,
“Father, I have sinned against
heaven, and in your sight; I am no
longer worthy to be called your
son; make me as one of your hired
men. So he got up and came to his
father. But while he was still a
long way off, his father saw him
and felt compassion for him, and
ran and embraced him and kissed
him." Luke 15:18-20
for such a one is this punishment
which was inflicted by the
majority, so that on the contrary
you should rather forgive and
comfort him, otherwise such a one
might be overwhelmed by excessive
sorrow. Wherefore I urge you to
reaffirm your love for him."
--2 Corinthians
MERCY should be
shown to animals
"A righteous
man has regard for the life of his
animal, But even the compassion of
the wicked is cruel."
Mercy upholds the
throne of kings
"Loyalty and
truth preserve the king, And he
upholds his throne by
righteousness." -- Proverbs
Mercy is
beneficial to those who
"The merciful
man does himself good, But the
cruel man does himself harm."
Blessedness of
showing MERCY
"He who
despises his neighbor sins, But
happy is he who is gracious to the
poor." --Proverbs 14:21
"Blessed are
the merciful, for they shall
receive mercy."
-- Matthew
Hypocrites devoid
"Woe to you,
scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!
For you tithe mint and dill and
cummin, and have neglected the
weightier provisions of the law:
justice and mercy and faithfulness;
but these are the things you should
have done without neglecting the
others." --
Matthew 23:23
against those devoid of
"Listen to
the word of the Lord, O sons of
Israel, For the Lord has a case
against the inhabitants of the
land, Because there is no
faithfulness or kindness Or
knowledge of God in the land."
-- Hosea
Hosea 4:3;
Matthew 18:23-25;
"For judgment
will be merciless to one who has shown
no mercy; mercy triumphs over
judgment." --
James 2:13
The Mercy of God
Is part of his
character Exodus 34:6
Exodus 34:7; Psalms 62:12; Nehemiah
9:17; Jonah 4:2; Jonah 4:10-11; 2 Corinthians 1:3
Great Numbers 14:18 ; Isaiah 54:7
Rich Ephesians 2:4
Manifold Nehemiah 9:27 ; Lamentations
Plenteous Psalms 86:5 Psalms 86:15; Psalms 103:8
Abundant 1 Peter 1:3
Sure Isaiah 55:3 ; Micah
Everlasting 1 Chronicles 16:34 ; Psalms 89:28;
106:1; 107:1; 136:1-26
Tender Psalms 25:6; Psalms 103:4; Luke 1:78
New every morning
High as heaven
Psalms 36:5; Psalms 103:11
Filling the earth Psalms 119:64
Over all his works Psalms 145:9
Is his
delight Micah 7:18
In the sending of Christ
In salvation Titus 3:5
In long-suffering
Lamentations 3:22 ;
Daniel 9:9
To his people Deuteronomy 32:43 ; 1 Kings
To them that fear him
Psalms 103:17 ; Luke
To returning backsliders
Jeremiah 3:12 ; Hosea
14:4 ; Joel 2:13
To repentant sinners
Psalms 32:5 ; Proverbs
28:13 ; Isaiah 55:7 ;
Luke 15:18-20
To the afflicted
Isaiah 49:13; Isaiah 54:7
To the fatherless
Hosea 14:3
To whom he will
Hosea 2:23 ; Romans
9:15 Romans 9:18
With everlasting kindness
Isaiah 54:8
A ground of
hope Psalms 130:7; Psalms 147:11
A ground of
trust Psalms 52:8
Sought for ourselves
Sought for others
Galatians 6:16; 1Timothy 1:2 ; 2Timothy 1:18
Pleaded in prayer
Psalms 6:4; Psalms 25:6; Psalms 51:1
Rejoiced in Psalms 31:7
Magnified 1 Chronicles 16:34 ; Psalms 115:1
; Psalms 118:1-4 Psalms 118:29;
Jeremiah 33:11
Mercy seat Exodus 25:17
Lot Genesis 19:16 Genesis 19:19
Epaphroditus Philippians 2:27
Paul 1Timothy 1:13