Seeking Truth maintitle header image on the right showing three crosses header image on the left: showing John 3:16

Believing God

Seeking Truth

Our Faith in.... Trust in....
Belief in Jesus Christ
determines who we are and where we will spend eternity.  

To believe in Jesus Christ means to have a confident conviction that what the Bible says about Him is true. 

Having faith in and believing Jesus means to adhere to Him, to rely on Him, to place your confidence in Him,  to hear Him, to hold onto Him, to rest in Him, to cling to Him, to place your  trust in Him, to depend upon Him, to lean on Him without fear or doubt.

The Bible says that "faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."
  --Hebrews 11:1

Faith is welcoming and confessing the promises of God from a distance.
"All these died in faith, without receiving the promises, but having seen them and having welcomed them from a distance, and having confessed that they were strangers and exiles on the earth."
--Hebrews 11:13

The promises of God are for those who believe, have faith in, place their trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.
"so that you will not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises."
-- Hebrews 6:12

Faith in God and the promises of God go hand in hand.  Where there is no promise, there can be no faith.
"By faith even Sarah herself received ability to conceive, even beyond the proper time of life, since she considered Him faithful who had promised."
-- Hebrews 11:11

"yet, with respect to the promise of God, he did not waver in unbelief but grew strong in faith, giving glory to God."
--Romans 4:20

Faith is also linked to obedience.
When we truly believe God,
we will obey Him.

Indeed, when we believe God, we are obeying God resulting in the "obedience of faith." 
See John 6:29; Romans 1:5; Romans 16:26;
"By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out to a place which he was to receive for an inheritance; and he went out, not knowing where he was going."  --Hebrews 11:8

The call from God "to go" is for all of us who follow Jesus Christ.  Jesus said,
"Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.  He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned." --Mark 16:15

Jesus came to save the world.
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.--John 3:16

He uses believers who are willing to "go" in obedience speaking Jesus to those around them.
"But how are people to call upon Him Whom they have not believed?  How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard?  And how will they hear without a preacher?  How will they preach unless they are sent? --Romans 10:14-15a

"So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ"  
--Romans 10:17

Isaiah also believed and obeyed God:
"Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, 'Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?'  Then I said, 'Here am I, Send me!'" 
--Isaiah 6:8

And when we believe in Jesus Christ, we speak Jesus Christ:
"I believed, therefore I spoke, we also believe, therefore we also speak," 
--2 Corinthians 4:13

And Jesus said,
"He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, 'From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.'" --John 7:38

Torrey's Topical Textbook

    Faith is the substance of things hoped for  Hebrews 11:1.
    Faith is the evidence of things not seen  Hebrews 11:1.
    Faith is commanded Matthew 11:22; 1John 3:23.
    The objects of faith are
        God.  John 14:1.
        Christ.  John 6:29; Acts 20:21.
        Writings of Moses. John 5:46; Acts 24:14.
        Writings of the prophets. 2 Chronicles 20:20; Acts 26:27.
        The gospel.  Mark 1:15.
        Promises of God.  Romans 4:21; Hebrews 11:13.
    Faith in Christ is
        The gift of God.  Romans 12:3; Ephesians 2:8; 6:23; Philippians 1:29.
        The work of God. Acts 11:21; 1Corinthians 2:5.
        Precious.  2Peter 1:1.
        Most holy.  Jude 1:20.
        Fruitful.  1 Thessalonians 1:3.
        Accompanied by repentance.  Mark 1:15; Luke 24:47.
        Followed by conversion. Acts 11:21.
    Christ is the Author and Finisher of our Faith  Hebrews 12:2.
    Faith is a gift of the Holy Spirit  1Corinthians 12:9.
    The Scriptures designed to produce faith  John 20:31; 2Timothy 3:15.
    Preaching designed to produce faith  John 17:20; Acts 8:12; Romans 10:14,15,17; 1Corinthians 3:5.
    Through faith is
        Remission of sins.  Acts 10:43; Romans 3:25.
        Justification.  Acts 13:39; Romans 3:21,22,28,30; 5:1; Galatians 2:16.
        Salvation.  Mark 16:16; Acts 16:31.
        Sanctification.  Acts 15:9; 26:18.
        Spiritual light.  John 12:36,46.
        Spiritual life.  John 20:31; Galatians 2:20.
        Eternal life.  John 3:15,16; 6:40,47.
        Rest in heaven.  Hebrews 4:3.
        Edification.  1Timothy 1:4; Jude 1:20.
        Preservation.  1Peter 1:5.
        Adoption.  John 1:12; Galatians 3:26.
        Access to God.  Romans 5:2; Ephesians 3:12.
        Inheritance of the promises.  Galatians 3:22; Hebrews 6:12.
        The gift of the Holy Spirit.  Acts 11:15-17; Galatians 3:14; Ephesians 1:13.
    Impossible to please God without faith  Hebrews 11:6.
    Justification is by faith, to be of grace  Romans 4:16.
    Faith is essential to the profitable reception of the gospel Hebrews 4:2.
    Faith is necessary in the Christian warfare  1Timothy 1:18,19; 6:12.
    The gospel effectual in those who have faith  1Thessalonians 2:13.
    Faith excludes self-justification  Romans 10:3,4.
    Faith excludes boasting  Romans 3:27.
    Faith works by love  Galatians 5:6; 1Timothy 1:5; Philemon 1:5.
    Faith Produces
        Hope.  Romans 5:2.
        Joy. Acts 16:34; 1Peter 1:8.
        Peace. Romans 15:13.
        Confidence.  Isaiah 28:16; 1Peter 2:6.
        Boldness in preaching.  Psalms 116:10; 2 Corinthians 4:13.
        Christ is precious to those having faith. 1Peter 2:7.
        Christ dwells in the heart by faith.  Ephesians 3:17.
        Faith is necessary in prayer.  Matthew 21:22; James 1:6.
        Those who are not Christ's have no faith.  John 10:26,27.
        Faith is evidence of the new birth.  1John 5:1.
    By faith saints
        Live.  Galatians 2:20.
        Stand.  Romans 11:20; 2 Corinthians 1:24.
        Walk. Romans 4:12; 2 Corinthians 5:7.
        Obtain a good report.  Hebrews 11:2.
        Overcome the world.  1John 5:4,5.
        Resist the devil.  1Peter 5:9.
        Overcome the devil. Ephesians 6:16.
        Are supported. Psalms 27:13; 1Timothy 4:10.
    Saints die in faith  Hebrews 11:13.
    Saints should
        Be sincere in faith.  1Timothy 1:5; 2Timothy 1:5.
        Abound in faith.  2 Corinthians 8:7.
        Continue in faith.  Acts 14:22; Colossians 1:23.
        Be strong in faith.  Romans 4:20-24.
        Stand fast in faith. 1Corinthians 16:13.
        Be grounded and settled in faith. Colossians 1:23.
        Hold faith with a good conscience. 1Timothy 1:19.
        Pray for the increase of faith.  Luke 17:5.
        Have full assurance of faith.  2Timothy 1:12; Hebrews 10:22.
    True faith evidenced by its fruits James 2:21-25.
    Without fruits faith is dead  James 2:17,20,26.
    Examine whether you be in faith  2 Corinthians 13:5.
    All difficulties overcome by faith Matthew 17:20; 21:21; Mark 9:23.
    All things should be done in faith  Romans 14:22.
    Whatever is not of faith is sin Romans 14:23.
    Faith is often tried by affliction  1Peter 1:6,7.
    Trial of faith works patience  James 1:3.
    The wicked often profess faith Acts 8:13,21.
    The wicked destitute of faith  John 10:25; 12:37; Acts 19:9; 2Thessalonians 3:2.
    Protection of faith illustrated
        A shield.  Ephesians 6:16.
        A breastplate.  1 Thessalonians 5:8.
    Faith Exemplified
        Caleb.  Numbers 13:30.
        Job.  Job 19:25.
        Shadrach, &c. Daniel 3:17.
        Daniel.  Daniel 6:10,23.
        Peter. Matthew 16:16.
        Woman who was a sinner.  Luke 7:50.
        Nathanael.  John 1:49.
        Samaritans.  John 4:39.
        Martha. John 11:27.
        The Disciples. John 16:30.
        Thomas.  John 20:28.
        Stephen.  Acts 6:5.
        Priests. Acts 6:7.
        Ethiopian.  Acts 8:37.
        Barnabas.  Acts 11:24.
        Sergius Paulus.  Acts 13:12.
        Philippian jailor.  Acts 16:31,34.
        Romans.  Romans 1:8.
        Colossians.  Colossians 1:4.
        Thessalonians.  1Thessalonians 1:3.
        Lois.  2Timothy 1:5.
        Paul.  2Timothy 4:7.
        Abel.  Hebrews 11:4.
        Enoch.  Hebrews 11:5.
        Noah.  Hebrews 11:7.
        Abraham.  Hebrews 11:8,17.
        Isaac.  Hebrews 11:20.
        Jacob. Hebrews 11:21.
        Joseph.  Hebrews 11:22.
        Moses.  Hebrews 11:24,27.
        Rahab.  Hebrews 11:31.
        Gideon &c.  Hebrews 11:32,33,39.

    Faithfulness is characteristic of saints Ephesians 1:1; Colossians 1:2; 1Timothy 6:2; Revelation 17:14.
    Faithfulness exhibited in
        The service of God.  Matthew 24:45.
        Declaring the word of God.  Jeremiah 23:28; 2 Corinthians 2:17; 4:2.
        The care of dedicated things. 2 Chronicles 31:12.
        Helping the brethren.  3John 1:5.
        Bearing witness.  Proverbs 14:5.
        Reproving others.  Proverbs 27:6; Psalms 141:5.
        Situations of trust.  2Kings 12:15; Nehemiah 13:13; Acts 6:1-3.
        Doing work.  2 Chronicles 34:12.
        Keeping secrets.  Proverbs 11:13.
        Conveying messages. Proverbs 13:17; 25:13.
        All things. 1Timothy 3:11.
        The smallest matters. Luke 16:10-12.
    Faithfulness should be to death Revelation 2:10.
    Faithfulness especially required in
        Ministers.  1Corinthians 4:2; 2Timothy 2:2.
        The wives of ministers.  1Timothy 3:11.
        The children of ministers. Titus 1:6.
    Difficulty of finding Faithfulness  Proverbs 20:6.
    The wicked devoid of Faithfulness  Psalms 5:9.
    Associate with those who exhibit Faithfulness  Psalms 101:6.
    Blessedness of Faithfulness 1Samuel 26:23; Proverbs 28:20.
    Blessedness of Faithfulness illustrated Matthew 24:45,46; 25:21,23.
    Faithfulness Exemplified
        Joseph.  Genesis 39:22,23.
        Moses.  Numbers 12:7; Hebrews 3:2,5.
        David.  1Samuel 22:14.
        Hananiah.  Nehemiah 7:2.
        Abraham.  Nehemiah 9:8; Galatians 3:9.
        Daniel.  Daniel 6:4.
        Paul.  Acts 20:20,27.
        Timothy.  1Corinthians 4:17.
        Tychicus.  Ephesians 6:21.
        Epaphras.  Colossians 1:7.
        Onesimus.  Colossians 4:9.
        Silvanus.  1Peter 5:12.
        Antipas.  Revelation 2:13.

    The Faithfulness of God
    Faithfulness of God is part of his character  Isaiah 49:7; 1Corinthians 1:9; 1Thessalonians 5:24.
    Faithfulness of God Declared to be
        Great. Lamentations 3:23.
        Established.  Psalms 89:2.
        Incomparable. Psalms 89:8.
        Unfailing.  Psalms 89:33; 2Timothy 2:13.
        Infinite.  Psalms 36:5.
        Everlasting.  Psalms 119:90; 146:6.
    Faithfulness of God Should be pleaded in prayer  Psalms 143:1.
    Faithfulness of God should be proclaimed  Psalms 40:10; 89:1.
    Faithfulness of God manifested
        In his counsels.  Isaiah 25:1.
        In afflicting his saints.  Psalms 119:75.
        In fulfilling his promises.  1Kings 8:20; Psalms 132:11; Micah 7:20; Hebrews 10:23.
        In keeping his covenant.  Deuteronomy 7:9; Psalms 111:5.
        In executing his judgments.  Jeremiah 23:20; 51:29.
        In forgiving sins.  1John 1:9.
        To his saints. Psalms 89:24; 2Thessalonians 3:3.
    Saints encouraged to depend on Faithfulness of God.  1Peter 4:19.
    Faithfulness of God should be magnified.  Psalms 89:5; 92:2.

    God is the true object of trust  Psalms 65:5.
    The fear [reverence] of God leads to trust  Proverbs 14:26.
    Encouragements to trust
        The everlasting strength of God.  Isaiah 26:4.
        The goodness of God.  Nahum 1:7.
        The loving-kindness of God.  Psalms 36:7.
        The rich bounty of God.  1Timothy 6:17.
        The care of God for us. 1Peter 5:7.
        Former deliverances.  Psalms 9:10; 2 Co 1:10.
    Trust should be with the whole heart  Proverbs 3:5.
    Should be from youth up  Psalms 71:5.
    Trust of saints is
        Not in the flesh.  Philippians 3:3,4.
        Not in themselves.  2 Corinthians 1:9.
        Not in carnal weapons. 1Samuel 17:38,39,45; Psalms 44:6; 2 Corinthians 10:4.
        In God.  Psalms 11:1; 31:14; 2 Corinthians 1:9.
        In the word of God. Psalms 119:42.
        In the mercy of God.  Psalms 13:5; 52:8.
        In Christ.  Ephesians 3:12.
        Through Christ.  2 Corinthians 3:4.
        Grounded on the covenant.  2Samuel 23:5.
        Strong in the prospect of death.  Psalms 23:4.
        Fixed. 2Samuel 22:3; Psalms 112:7.
        Unalterable.  Job 13:15.
        Despised by the wicked.  Isaiah 36:4,7.
        For ever.  Psalms 52:8; 62:8; Isaiah 26:4.
    Saints plead trust in prayer  Psalms 25:20; 31:1; 141:8.
    The Lord knows those who have trust Nahum 1:7.
    Exhortations to  Psalms 4:5; 115:9-11.
    Trust leads to
        Being compassed with mercy. Psalms 32:10.
        Enjoyment of perfect peace.  Isaiah 26:3.
        Enjoyment of all temporal and spiritual blessings.  Isaiah 57:13.
        Enjoyment of happiness.  Proverbs 16:20.
        Rejoicing in God. Psalms 5:11; 33:21.
        Fulfilment of all holy desires.  Psalms 37:5.
        Deliverance from enemies.  Psalms 37:40.
        Safety in times of danger.  Proverbs 29:25.
        Stability.  Psalms 125:1.
        Prosperity. Proverbs 28:25.
    Trust keeps from
        Fear.  Psalms 56:11; Isaiah 12:2; Hebrews 13:6.
        Sliding.  Psalms 26:1.
        Desolation.  Psalms 34:22.
    Trust is to be accompanied by doing good Psalms 37:3.
    Blessedness of placing trust in God  Psalms 2:12; 34:8; 40:4; Jeremiah 17:7.
    Of the wicked trust:
        Is not in God. Psalms 78:22; Zephaniah 3:2.
        Is in idols.  Isaiah 42:17; Habakkuk 2:18.
        Is in man.  Judges 9:26; Psalms 118:8,9.
        Is in their own heart. Proverbs 28:26.
        Is in their own righteousness.  Luke 18:9,12.
        Is in vanity.  Job 15:31; Isaiah 59:4.
        Is in falsehood.  Isaiah 28:15; Jeremiah 13:25.
        Is in earthly alliances. Isaiah 30:2; Ezekiel 17:15.
        Is in wealth.  Psalms 49:6; 52:7; Proverbs 11:28; Jeremiah 48:7; Mark 10:24.
        Is vain and delusive.  Isaiah 30:7; Jeremiah 2:37.
        Shall make them ashamed.  Isaiah 20:5; 30:3,5; Jeremiah 48:13.
        Shall be destroyed. Job 18:14; Isaiah 28:18.
    Woe and curse of false trust  Isaiah 30:1,2; 31:1-3; Jeremiah 17:5.
    Trust of saints--Illustrated  Psalms 91:12; Proverbs 18:10.
    Trust of the wicked--Illustrated  2Kings 18:21; Job 8:14.
    Trust of saints-Exemplified
        David.  1Samuel 17:45; 30:6.
        Hezekiah. 2Kings 18:5.
        Jehoshaphat.  2 Chronicles 20:12.
        Shadrach &c.  Daniel 3:28.
        Paul.  2Timothy 1:12.
    Trust of the wicked-Exemplified
        Goliath.  1Samuel 17:43-45.
        Benhadad. 1Kings 20:10.
        Sennacherib.  2 Chronicles 32:8.
        Israelites. Isaiah 31:1.

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